The “Censorship-Industrial Complex” is the Military-Industrial Complex reborn for the “hybrid warfare” age - Matt Taibbi
Racket has just published a lengthy 17,000 word piece co-authored by myself
, Susan Schmidt, , Geneve Campbell, Technofog, and , outlining 50 of the most important organisations in the “anti-disinformation” industry.We also developed the startling graphic at the top. (With thanks to
Building this Report on the Censorship Industrial Complex is the work I originally came onboard with Racket to assist with, as per Matt Taibbi’s February call to Help Knock Out the Mainstream Propaganda Machine. It may not be knocked out yet but a few decent blows have hit their mark.
The list and the graphic are by no means comprehensive. Over the last three months we’ve discovered a massive complex of anti-disinformation organisations, many more than I expected despite knowing the sector quite well. So far we’ve logged more 400 NGOs, think tanks, foundations, academic institutions, and government initiatives. Just in the course of finishing off the piece today I came across another half a dozen new organisations.
As noted in my Insider's Guide to "Anti-Disinformation, a portion of the anti-disinformation work is legitimate, but a huge swathe has overreached and is having major impacts on free speech and expression.
For those in any doubt, I hope the graphic, Matt’s stellar introduction, and the scope and depth of the writing can make clear the scale of the threat to these fundamental rights and freedoms.
ps. If we are missing key organisations do let me know.
This report by you and the Taibbi group is absolutely amazing and seminal. I have printed a hard copy. It will either be a useless stack of paper, or a key underground document smuggled around between free men hiding in canyons in remote areas. It looks like the era of ordinary men being allowed to say what they think was a very temporary Golden Age
PLEASE upload the graphic to WIkimedia Commons: