This report by you and the Taibbi group is absolutely amazing and seminal. I have printed a hard copy. It will either be a useless stack of paper, or a key underground document smuggled around between free men hiding in canyons in remote areas. It looks like the era of ordinary men being allowed to say what they think was a very temporary Golden Age

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PLEASE upload the graphic to WIkimedia Commons:


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yeah, need the graphic in downloadable form that can be scanned and blown up to explore and read all the fine print. Wish list; a giant poster for the wall until we have to go hide in canyons I guess.

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Andrew - I have stared at that graphic for days in stunned disbelief. Seeing it laid out in its own nakedness should give the world a most serious pause and a fierce willingness to plow forward in this grand exposure. Thank you, noble man and your community of workers standing center stage against this unspeakable onslaught.

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