I have put the senators' email addresses below:







For those who want to copy what I wrote to each of them, I'll put it in quotes below:

"Dear Senator xx,

I write to you expressing my grave concerns about the Government’s Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024.

This Bill is a direct attack on the right of Australians to express their views and share information on the internet. This Bill is designed to force social media companies to control content on their platforms if it is deemed, by the government’s representatives, to be “misinformation” or “disinformation”.

The government and corporate media are exempt from these same restrictions.

Can you imagine anything more arrogant?

A government, which is supposed to represent the people, is telling us that they and the media are above being wrong (despite endless evidence to the contrary), and must “protect” us ignorant plebs from wrong information.

Are we really going to let the government decide what is correct information?

What is the risk analysis here?

On one side, we have the risk that, gasp, incorrect information may sometimes be posted on the internet, and Australians will have to, oh the horror, decide for themselves what information to accept and not accept.

On the other side, we are being asked to trust a government body to correctly and impartially decide what is mis and disinformation.

The government is not the arbiter of truth. Hundreds of years of English/Australian common law and American constitutional law have long respected and appreciated the need to not only allow, but encourage freedom of speech and expression. This is how we decide on the best path forward in a free society.

This Bill should not be passed in any way, shape or form.

The Minister’s second reading speech tellingly said, in summary:

“Through this bill, the Australian government is acting to prevent the spread of mis- and disinformation and the damage it causes to Australian democracy and public safety. Australians clearly expect the government to act to address this growing problem and this is what the Albanese government is doing.

The bill positions Australia to be at the forefront of tackling this growing international problem—one which threatens to undermine our civic discourse and democratic engagement and participation. This bill ensures that digital platforms are accountable for combatting mis- and disinformation on their services.

The top priority of the government is to keep its citizens safe. Doing nothing to protect Australians from seriously harmful mis- and disinformation online is simply not an option.”

The minister does not deign to specify what damage mis and disinformation has caused damage to Australian democracy and public safety. She does not specific how this is a “growing problem”. She says we are at the forefront of this kind of control. If we are spearheading control of online speech, then that is to our shame!

Her finishing statement is of utmost concern: that the real reason for this Bill is for the government to keep “its” citizens “safe”. In other words, its openly stated goal is to protect citizens from, presumably, each other. Protect us from what? Whatever information the government regulator deems to be wrong, and by its wrongness, somehow harmful. It assumes we are too stupid to discern for ourselves what is true or false.

The unstated goal is even more disturbing: that the government wants to control information that challenges its narrative, and therefore its official version of the truth.

Please do not pass this Bill. Please side with the Australian people and prove your belief that we must protect freedom of speech, that it is the lifeblood of any free society. We must not let an arrogant government declare itself the arbiter of truth.

Trustingly and warmly,"

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Thanks! Wow I cant copy your letter on substack on. My phone or iPad. FFS.

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Can’t copy anything anymore on Substack. I can’t even copy my own stuff once it’s posted. I used to be able to do that.

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Big Brother is in control . Haaa...haaaaa....

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Simply send link to your email address and copy paste it from there

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According to an ABC report, Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland said for something to be deemed misinformation and disinformation under the laws, it would have to both be “seriously harmful and verifiably false”.

Michelle Rowland cites as an example “content urging people to not get government-approved vaccines”.

The clear implication here is that “government-approved vaccines” are beyond reproach.

It seems the Australian Government’s Mis/Disinformation Bill seeks to trap people into compliance with "government-approved vaccines" without question, e.g. the COVID-19 vaccine products which have been imposed under coercion and mandates.

Will the Mis/Disinformation Bill result in social media platforms censoring any discussion questioning the taxpayer-funded “government-approved vaccines”?

Who drafted this terrible Bill which plans to censor the people’s open discussion of taxpayer-funded public health policy?

Also see my article: "...urging people to not get government approved vaccines" would be "deemed misinformation and disinformation under the laws" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/urging-people-to-not-get-government

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Shouldn’t Michelle Riwkand now be retracting the vaccination example as we all now know these so called “safe & effective” jabs have killed, maimed and rendered people infertile in the tens of millions???

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Really incredible that this ‘government’ is ACTUALLY trying this! I cannot believe that Australians would allow themselves to be railroaded and constrained like this. UNBELIEVABLE.

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Yikes, this is no less Orwellian than the Trudueau Regimes's Bill C-293. Fingers crossed the bill is defeated.

I am hoping that early next year, RFK Jr. pulls mRNA gene therapies off the market and bans the technology and research, and then begins the process of accountability in both criminal and civil courts as far too many people have been injured and have had their lives destroyed, or dead. Perhaps this will encourage this to happen around the world, including Canada.

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These snakes are all wef and bill gates controlled just try and digitise my ass ALBASLEEZEBAG

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If you took Billy’s nano technology injections you have already been digetalizied

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Thank GOD i wasnt that stupid then hey

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Craig Kelly has confidently said it's dead https://x.com/craigkellyXXX/status/1858325196295565691

I hope he's right.

Meanwhile, he's mobilising a force against the Liberals to stop the "Social Media Ban for Under 16s"-pretext for uploading 20 million Australians onto the Digital ID, thence facilitating massive social and structural changes, for which there is no public consent.

Me on the way... "It is outrageous that the Digital ID legislation, with the power to bring about massive structural change, was not brought to the people by referendum, after substantial discussion, but was instead passed in near silence through two houses."

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It’s a downer

These vampires of power

Want to bite us

Want to slight us.

Get ready to fight

To fight for our rights

To express our Truth

At the polling booth.

How can you have freedom without free speech?

How can you have true democracy without free speech?

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I applaud your perhaps guarded optimism dear Jessica. As an Australian I can't believe what they're trying to do to this once wonderfully independent and charismatic country. My great concerns will endure due to likely US deep state/globalist back-door influence over certain weak-willed politicians whom I will not trust to kill this grotesquely Orwellian anti-Australian bill until the purportedly prevailing anti-MAD votes are finally counted and confirmed.

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Worried too Glenn! As a Yank living in Straya ( 2 decades) I fear we're headed the same way as the 'mothership' (UK) which is taking on lots of 'water' and badly listing to port. I find it hard to trust anyone in Canberra who promises to represent the citizen / subjects.

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Australia became Communist when they decided to remove Freedom of choice and speech!

hopefully, other political developments will give the world population the confidence to stop being insane domination from left wing lunatics, who want to dominate and dehumanise us through DEADLY injections (called vaccines).

We all suddenly feel a lot Safer and more confident in our long term future and FREEDOM.

'LIABILITY' must be top of the agenda for Big Pharma, to stop their uncontrollable and dangerous dominance of our lives. NO LIABILITY for deadly unchecked injections is insanity and Mass MURDER!

Unjabbed Mick (UK). We'll all live longer without corrupt money grabbing Big Pharma and complicit corrupt Doctors.

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Emailed and rang them last Friday. Agreed on the hypocrisy of the Greens. Having been a Greens' voter, in my email to Sarah Hanson-Young, Barbara Pocock, and Adam Bandt, I felt no other word best summed up my feelings about their likely support of this Bill as 'betrayed'.

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The ironic thing is, the biggest BS artist are the same Misinformation spreaders that are trying to push this BS Bill through.

Can you remember.....

Voice - "It's "ONLY ONE" PAGE" Errrrrrr... (negative buzzer sound) Misinformation, revealed to be (26) pages and then some.....


Mutton CHO recorded saying

"Getting that third dose is protection against severe illness, but also protection against getting infected in the first place.” Buzzer...Errrrrr... Misinformation....

April 2022 vs Aug 2022

https://twitter.com/Bigbird32392741/status/1559154323933630464?t=R0iljHKxg3uzcfNTX1skJQ&s=09 conference

Aug Press Conference.

“Um, despite two, three, four doses of the vaccine, ah, it’s not so good at preventing infection in the first place. So we are getting infected, that’s why we’ve had tens of thousands of cases in this wave.”

Focused mind, Positive mind, Winning mind!

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Albo has started saturation advertising using taxpayer money.

He was talking about triggers for a Double Dissolution, but that would backfire, even if Sam Mostyn gave "Royal Assent".

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Double dissolution could be our absolute best case scenario. At least it would allow us to have a chance to get rid of some disgraceful senators.

I really can’t see it helping Labor at all.

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Yesterday I watched a clip on YT featuring Mike Benz, formerly of the US State Department. He claimed that this "1984" bill Labor is attempting to ram through is a directive from the current US State Department and Julie Inman Grant is a CIA hack. The claim is around the 27 minute mark. Absolutely damning and all the senators voting need to be made aware ASAP.


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I find it quite shocking that such a Bill could even have got so far in a allegedly free democratic society. The fact that this is a Labour Government is not surprising in view of what id happening in the Uk and already happened in the US under similar leftist Governments but in the context of Australia I have no doubt that the previous Government, responsible for the Covid tyranny, would be quite capable of the same.

The good people of Australia need to wake up fast before all the civil liberties and democratic rights are lost. And once lost, Governments being Governments, they won't come back again.

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what would people need to be jabbed for now.. this needs to stop..

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Straya! WTF! Have a Covid jab every 6 months?


I (we) know where this is headed! Beware Beware Beware!

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For truth's sake, Rebekah, as many have attempted to ask you, please speak to the Bailey's, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, and/or a veritable host of others about the virus psyop before uttering any more nonsense about contagious entity (viruses cause disease). When the WHO makes that statement, "Covid-19 is not airborne" they are actually telling the truth, because there is no such thing to begin with. It's smoke and mirrors.

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You might want to check out the recent Darkhorse episode with Dr Rose.

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