Wow! Mind boggling Gov. Waste . Thank you for reporting. The vacuuming continues. Seems like we need more of a full White Glove. Once the top layer is scrubbed.
To anyone who's not aware of his work, I recommend Paul Cudenec, an English anarchist writer and thinker living in France. He's done years of work tracing the tentacles of what he calls "The Single Global Mafia" -- research that's compiled in his book of that name, available as a free PDF here: Much of that book has been serialized in recent months in segments like this posted on his Substack: It's staggering to see the overlap of players at all levels internationally, from the Rothschilds and Rockefellers on down the chain . . . The tentacle are everywhere, and they're all interconnected.
Thank you Andrew for doing the hard work of uncovering the vast censorship and propaganda industrial complex!!! This is not a partisan issue -- it is a uniparty effort to control the narrative. No matter which "side" is in control, it will use the network to shape public opinion to promote the interests of the ruling global elites.
Using your dynamite vs fishing pole analogy, I think that the dynamite method is the place to start. Using USAID as an example, shut off all funding, right away. Let every person and organization seeking funding write a brand new funding request, with the following requirements: a one-sentence statement of their goal; two paragraphs showing their proposed methods; one paragraph showing their prior accomplishments (if re-applying for a previously-funded project), including spending (with a required attachment of a five-year financial audit); a final paragraph showing how this project benefits American taxpayers.
Follow the old Procter & Gamble requirement of the entire proposal fitting on a single sheet of paper printed at 12 point typeface. This will help to easily weed out the grifters and con artists (which I happen to believe are the vast majority). In the event my proposal is not obvious, if your project is to help starving people in Zimbabwe (for example) and your audit shows that in the past five years 80% of your funding went to salaries, travel and entertainment, money pass-throughs to other NGOs, and less than 20% actually made its way to starving people in Zimbabwe, that's a failed proposal.
Thats how it operates, although percentages differ.
I had been told 50% and above was considered a success; everyone knew it and accepted it as the norm.
To best of my knowledge [experience] the majority was diverted-appropriated by the in country principals. So yes, we bought good will until Will got hungry again.
Thank you for pointing out complexity where it is a tool to mask intent. I hope there is enough attention left to look at hierarchy and cross border connections.
I would also be interest to learn more about your sketch. Size equals amount paid out or number of grants? What is the reason for positioning along the x and y axis?
Thank you again, Jessica:) For another well researched informative post. Although, it none the less seems to be lacking in the Awareness of the Self Evident Fact that there is No "Government" 'Agency' that is any 'Different' or 'Better' than the other. That is as absurd as us thinking We are Actually Choosing Who will be OUR next "Authority" Figure......A Dem or A Rep......As if there is ANY Real Valuable Difference in them....there is not! To propose the redirecting of "gov". humanitarian aide(an absolute joke and lie in and of itself) to another/better agency, is akin to the notion that transferring a bag of rotten, maggot infested trash from one can to another/new can, would somehow 'Magically' Make it Less Rotten and Not Stink.... or not As Bad anyway! Have we Not Yet Realized as a society, as an intelligent species with, superior comprehension, logic and reasoning Capabilities, that NO "Government" whatsoever, is in the 'Business' of Truth, Natural Law, Peace, Moral Virtue, or FREEDOM.....Never Has Been.......Never Will Be! And therefore in 'Actuality' "gov." does Not Do 'Humanitarian Aide'/Serve the people, but rather 'In Actuality' commits gross criminal 'Humanitarian' Violence, Theft, Manipulation, and Control, to Serve Itself.....Humanity would Not Need Aid, if not for the evils, that All governments perpetrate upon them. This also is the same concept of trying to fix a problem by focusing on the 'symptoms' while 'Ignoring' and 'Diverting' away from the root cause......therefore rendering Any 'Real Solution' Impossible! .......Just Saying, the problems will Never get solved, so long as we keep expecting the Cause of them to Be the Solution! My true hope is that we as a people will do the work that We Must do, to get ourselves out of this mess that we have individually and collectively gotten ourselves into via our ignorance and fear. That is The Only Purpose of this comment......Truth and Love to all
Just for the previous post was in no way meant as hostile or belittling towards the author Himself....Andrew. Nor the article itself as a whole, For which I do admire his skills, and very much appreciate his efforts to expose what needs exposed for all our sake's.....It just should be pointed out however, that the implied existence of a "more competent or credible agency" within the "gov." for which to transfer something of importance, for 'safe handling', is rather naive.......As 'gov' is Not the Solution......For us to Break Free from the 'Erroneous Belief' in it's "Legitimacy" and "Authority" over us, and therefore our 'Perceived Obligation' to obey and support it........... IS THE ONLY SOLUTION
The paid trolls are of interest. There was a one-topic Pfizer (I guess) troll on an alternative finance blog (The Automatic Earth) I frequent for a couple of years.
He/it would not engage any other topic, and was probably a human-bot hybrid, with a certain style of posting flashy links in comments, which showed up graphically much of the time.
A couple of years ago he went "poof", never to return.
I, myself started getting interference from gmail in early 2016, when my bcc sends to 200 friends had DNC Sanders-disenfranchisement stories, so I had to start a blog. The blocked sends resolved 3 days after Trump was elected. The same pattern happened in each election cycle, and Google took down my blog and email in February 2022, a couple of days before Russia invaded Ukraine, finally restoring it after 3 days, once the war was underway.
I kept the Google blog, which has been overtly censored 2 more times, but mirrored it on Substack, which does not get censored, but sometimes gets 15,000 views instead of 1500, but there is no increase in likes or comments those days, and it stopped after Trump's second-election, and it was only certain topics, which may interest intel-bots.
I seem to be some kind of minor node to suppress and monitor.
Great you are working on this and applying your talents and time for the public good. USAID has been not only " a massive covert operation" but also a coercive one, and not just for people in the US but worldwide with its underlying regime change agenda. Could you inform us of your "problematic" scale, please, so that we can understand the relative damage of "200 are highly problematic, and another 100 are extremely dubious"?
This author seems to assume that we're stopping with USAID but there's no reason the State Dept or the Pentagon aren't next. As for the fishing techniques, a precision rod and reel approach doesn't work when you must move faster than legions of lawyers deployed specifically to stop anyone who might reveal even one small area of fraud. In other words, dynamite is the only way we have a chance at getting to the Big Fish.
As for fishing techniques, rod and reel vs dynamite, would not be either/or. Appears cutting off money flow would be the equivalent to damming the river to catalog what you find flopping around in the mud while still seining above the dam. Let’s see how that works out.
The price of houses in D.C. dropped 36% last week. And 90% of voters in D.C. voted for Kamala. Many of them now owe more on their mortgages than their house is worth. This proves that there is a God. When will Big Bird and Kermit be arrested for pushing a bio-weapon jab on children?
I was recently wondering if anyone had done or was doing something like this. These government efforts usually use a ”whole of government” approach which means that the funding can come from any of the Leviathan’s tentacles.
I am so glad that you and your team can pull out the “shit from the shine ola”
Thanks for all your efforts . The “new world order “ just makes me dizzy. Bless you and your team.
Wow! Mind boggling Gov. Waste . Thank you for reporting. The vacuuming continues. Seems like we need more of a full White Glove. Once the top layer is scrubbed.
It IS of course waste, but more importantly it's nefarious anti-democratic and unconstitutional Government activity.
Great work.
🐀 FOLLOW the MONEY!💲💰💲💰💲💰💲💰
To anyone who's not aware of his work, I recommend Paul Cudenec, an English anarchist writer and thinker living in France. He's done years of work tracing the tentacles of what he calls "The Single Global Mafia" -- research that's compiled in his book of that name, available as a free PDF here: Much of that book has been serialized in recent months in segments like this posted on his Substack: It's staggering to see the overlap of players at all levels internationally, from the Rothschilds and Rockefellers on down the chain . . . The tentacle are everywhere, and they're all interconnected.
I have wanted to see the connection between the actual Mafia and the finance version.
Thank you Andrew for doing the hard work of uncovering the vast censorship and propaganda industrial complex!!! This is not a partisan issue -- it is a uniparty effort to control the narrative. No matter which "side" is in control, it will use the network to shape public opinion to promote the interests of the ruling global elites.
It's a complex complex. 🎱💱🔮♠️🪆🐺🐊🦑
NGO's, non-Profits, think-tanks, grants, loans, loan-forgiveness, $ubsidies, 🦤 $ubscriptions, direct purchases, contract specs/ negotiations
CUT THE FUNDING ✂️✂️✂️ DRAIN the Swamp!
Using your dynamite vs fishing pole analogy, I think that the dynamite method is the place to start. Using USAID as an example, shut off all funding, right away. Let every person and organization seeking funding write a brand new funding request, with the following requirements: a one-sentence statement of their goal; two paragraphs showing their proposed methods; one paragraph showing their prior accomplishments (if re-applying for a previously-funded project), including spending (with a required attachment of a five-year financial audit); a final paragraph showing how this project benefits American taxpayers.
Follow the old Procter & Gamble requirement of the entire proposal fitting on a single sheet of paper printed at 12 point typeface. This will help to easily weed out the grifters and con artists (which I happen to believe are the vast majority). In the event my proposal is not obvious, if your project is to help starving people in Zimbabwe (for example) and your audit shows that in the past five years 80% of your funding went to salaries, travel and entertainment, money pass-throughs to other NGOs, and less than 20% actually made its way to starving people in Zimbabwe, that's a failed proposal.
Thats how it operates, although percentages differ.
I had been told 50% and above was considered a success; everyone knew it and accepted it as the norm.
To best of my knowledge [experience] the majority was diverted-appropriated by the in country principals. So yes, we bought good will until Will got hungry again.
Shutting off all funds immediately could hurt lots of people
while the grants are documented and reviewed.
Giving a (2 to 4 week? with deposit) window to reapply could be a lifesaver
to some. A claw-back feature might pay for the interim losses,
or freezing/seizing assets. These should be considered
for all fraudulent or worthless grants.
I like the P&G model in concept, though some purposes may need
supplementary pages to provide explanation/background for clarity.
Thank you for pointing out complexity where it is a tool to mask intent. I hope there is enough attention left to look at hierarchy and cross border connections.
I would also be interest to learn more about your sketch. Size equals amount paid out or number of grants? What is the reason for positioning along the x and y axis?
Thank you again, Jessica:) For another well researched informative post. Although, it none the less seems to be lacking in the Awareness of the Self Evident Fact that there is No "Government" 'Agency' that is any 'Different' or 'Better' than the other. That is as absurd as us thinking We are Actually Choosing Who will be OUR next "Authority" Figure......A Dem or A Rep......As if there is ANY Real Valuable Difference in them....there is not! To propose the redirecting of "gov". humanitarian aide(an absolute joke and lie in and of itself) to another/better agency, is akin to the notion that transferring a bag of rotten, maggot infested trash from one can to another/new can, would somehow 'Magically' Make it Less Rotten and Not Stink.... or not As Bad anyway! Have we Not Yet Realized as a society, as an intelligent species with, superior comprehension, logic and reasoning Capabilities, that NO "Government" whatsoever, is in the 'Business' of Truth, Natural Law, Peace, Moral Virtue, or FREEDOM.....Never Has Been.......Never Will Be! And therefore in 'Actuality' "gov." does Not Do 'Humanitarian Aide'/Serve the people, but rather 'In Actuality' commits gross criminal 'Humanitarian' Violence, Theft, Manipulation, and Control, to Serve Itself.....Humanity would Not Need Aid, if not for the evils, that All governments perpetrate upon them. This also is the same concept of trying to fix a problem by focusing on the 'symptoms' while 'Ignoring' and 'Diverting' away from the root cause......therefore rendering Any 'Real Solution' Impossible! .......Just Saying, the problems will Never get solved, so long as we keep expecting the Cause of them to Be the Solution! My true hope is that we as a people will do the work that We Must do, to get ourselves out of this mess that we have individually and collectively gotten ourselves into via our ignorance and fear. That is The Only Purpose of this comment......Truth and Love to all
Just for the previous post was in no way meant as hostile or belittling towards the author Himself....Andrew. Nor the article itself as a whole, For which I do admire his skills, and very much appreciate his efforts to expose what needs exposed for all our sake's.....It just should be pointed out however, that the implied existence of a "more competent or credible agency" within the "gov." for which to transfer something of importance, for 'safe handling', is rather naive.......As 'gov' is Not the Solution......For us to Break Free from the 'Erroneous Belief' in it's "Legitimacy" and "Authority" over us, and therefore our 'Perceived Obligation' to obey and support it........... IS THE ONLY SOLUTION
The paid trolls are of interest. There was a one-topic Pfizer (I guess) troll on an alternative finance blog (The Automatic Earth) I frequent for a couple of years.
He/it would not engage any other topic, and was probably a human-bot hybrid, with a certain style of posting flashy links in comments, which showed up graphically much of the time.
A couple of years ago he went "poof", never to return.
I, myself started getting interference from gmail in early 2016, when my bcc sends to 200 friends had DNC Sanders-disenfranchisement stories, so I had to start a blog. The blocked sends resolved 3 days after Trump was elected. The same pattern happened in each election cycle, and Google took down my blog and email in February 2022, a couple of days before Russia invaded Ukraine, finally restoring it after 3 days, once the war was underway.
I kept the Google blog, which has been overtly censored 2 more times, but mirrored it on Substack, which does not get censored, but sometimes gets 15,000 views instead of 1500, but there is no increase in likes or comments those days, and it stopped after Trump's second-election, and it was only certain topics, which may interest intel-bots.
I seem to be some kind of minor node to suppress and monitor.
Yes it's certainly a mess but,,,,,at least there is finally a beginning.
Great you are working on this and applying your talents and time for the public good. USAID has been not only " a massive covert operation" but also a coercive one, and not just for people in the US but worldwide with its underlying regime change agenda. Could you inform us of your "problematic" scale, please, so that we can understand the relative damage of "200 are highly problematic, and another 100 are extremely dubious"?
This author seems to assume that we're stopping with USAID but there's no reason the State Dept or the Pentagon aren't next. As for the fishing techniques, a precision rod and reel approach doesn't work when you must move faster than legions of lawyers deployed specifically to stop anyone who might reveal even one small area of fraud. In other words, dynamite is the only way we have a chance at getting to the Big Fish.
As for fishing techniques, rod and reel vs dynamite, would not be either/or. Appears cutting off money flow would be the equivalent to damming the river to catalog what you find flopping around in the mud while still seining above the dam. Let’s see how that works out.
Thanks for your contribution in getting that swamp to start draining 👍🇨🇦
The price of houses in D.C. dropped 36% last week. And 90% of voters in D.C. voted for Kamala. Many of them now owe more on their mortgages than their house is worth. This proves that there is a God. When will Big Bird and Kermit be arrested for pushing a bio-weapon jab on children?
I was recently wondering if anyone had done or was doing something like this. These government efforts usually use a ”whole of government” approach which means that the funding can come from any of the Leviathan’s tentacles.