And a mighty declaration it is. We are grateful for it. The varied ideologies of signatories is most impressive and the very thing that rightly stamps its need.

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Yay!!!!! The free-speech flank is ready to rock and roll, galloping up on the outside, itching for the fray, and not a moment too soon! !!

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As a survivor of the anti-Vietnam protests I imagine what our lives might be like if we’d been forbidden to stand holding signs at weekly vigils, or wear buttons with slogans of peace.

Many did pay a huge price, Ali most of all perhaps. But on the street there was certainly more freedom than there is now, and there’s no clearer example than to compare Assange now with Ellsberg then. I guess it’s time to dust off the old protest signs and take to the streets for real. Having a philosophical anchor in the form of this declaration is priceless.

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Andrew, thank you for the role you played in making this happen. At last, a comprehensive yet simple declaration against the censors in all their forms.

I cannot find anywhere, not on the website nor in any posts from signatories, an explanation for how the signatory list came to be. By invitation? Was attendance at the June conference required, and if so why? Why no politicians? Is it still open for signing, if so how? And finally, why no average, unimportant citizens?

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The 'fight for free speech' featuring Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson, two of the biggest shills for Big Pharma and the authoritarian agenda to push toxic gene therapies. Quite.

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