Well said, thank you for this. I highly recommend these must-read essays on what almost no one dares to mention (and which is being deliberately censored) regarding the root cause of immigration and how exactly it is used by the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/censored-the-truth-about-mass-migration

And here https://www.pdrboston.org/illegal-immigration-what-should-we-

And finally, here:


Immigration is another area where the corporate-capitalist billionaire abusers and deceivers rely on the historical-ignorance and superficiality of most people and how easy it is to emotionally-inflame & manipulate people (especially conservatives seem to be very easy to emotionally inflame & manipulate on this issue, from what I've noticed, by using the right trigger words and by presenting a very skewed and incomplete picture) into mis-identifying what is ACTUALLY happening and what are the root causes of immigration, and thus into screaming the billionaire's desired slogans that we're funneled into, WITHOUT inquiring into the root cause of how issues come into existence (who has time for that, right? Much easier to not inquire and just stay on the surface of things and repeat the ready-made slogans that are provided by the billionaire-paid influencers & narrative managers in one's echo-chamber)

Again, for an overview of the root causes of the issue, I highly recommend the essays above.

As you can see, immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the capitalist billionaire ruling class. Not only do they massively financially profit from it but they also score huge political wins by cynically using it to advance the US vs THEM mentality of dehumanization and religious/ethnic division, fear & hatred which exploits people's most primal fears to elicit the desired emotions and keep the billionaires in power. It's a massive win on both accounts (financial & political) for the ruling class.

Immigration obviously doesn't just happen by itself, but is by and large deliberately generated by the crimes, abuse, trauma, exploitation, resource-theft, violence and atrocities of the corporate-capitalist ruling class in the global south (this is the part conservatives are never told by the propagandists & narrative managers in their echo-chambers) and is then literally used as a weapon against the 99%, against both working class non-westerners and working class westerners.

And as the ruling class always do with every single issue, they use also this issue to pit the 99% against each other.

The Big Money corporate-capitalists profit from their generated mass immigration in three significant ways -

The first is before immigration even starts. Becasue the corporate-capitalist billionaores have their representitives in government (whether conservative or liberal), the corporate-capitalists get to use public funds and the coercive power of government, and specifically the brutal force of its military, to advance their own narrow class interests (for their own enrichment and domination) across the planet, and especially in the resource-rich global south, often in collaboration with the local right-wing capitalist ruling-class abusers and tyrants in the specific targeted country (their actions are described in detail in the links above), thus bringing about profound devastation of families, communities and entire regions, forcing the poorest of the poor (the easiest target for capitalists because they have no voice or power in a corporate-capitalist oriented economy and judicial system) forcing the poorest of the poor to be displaced and seek safety and livelhood elsewhere.

Two, once the poor - who are displaced by Godless billionaire corporate-capitalists - arrive in the wealthy country (where they're told that a more safe life for them and their children should be possible) then the second part of their exploitation by the corporate-capitalist billionaires begins. The immigrants now serve to provide the corporate-capitalist billionaires with a cheap labor force which is easy to exploit because new immigrants are willing to work for little and are usually not unionized and are terrified of complaining or protesting their blatant exploitation by the capitalist billionaires, becasue the threat of deportation (back to un-safety for their children) always hangs over their head. The cruel, selfish, heartless Godless capitalist billionaires are very well aware of the precarious situation that the immigrants are in and take full advantage of it to exploit and squeeze as much as possible out of desparate people (whose communities were broken up by the same capitalist billionaire predators who now exploit them also in the new country that they fled to) who have no legal or social recourse against their profoundly powerful corporate-capitalist billionaire exploiters and abusers.

Another boon that this provides for the abusive capitalist billionares is that it forces the local (non-immigrant) poor and working class to accept lower pay and worse conditions in the corporate-capitalist industrial plantations, and to largely avoid complaining, striking or rebelling, becasue the capitalists now have an army of desperate powerless immigrants ready to call on to break the strike and replace any striking or disobedient or rebellious workers and to punish those who demand a living wage. It's a really MASSIVE WIN from the selfish God-ignorant perspective of the corporate-capitalist ruling class predators.

But that's not all. The corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class get to extract another massive boon from the phenomena of mass immigration (that they themselves generated), perhaps the biggest boon of all. It is this - the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class have their paid influencers and professional narrative managers tell conservatives (who are kept profoundly ignorant of the facts and of the root causes of issues and of the course of events that brought us to this point, and therefore easily decieved and emotionally-manipulated) tell conservatives that the immigrants (disposessed and impoverished in their original families and communities by the greed & violence of corporate-capitist billionaires) that the immigrants are their enemy, are evil criminal people who came to hurt you, AND so you need to direct your anger and hate at them, PLUS don't forget that it's those famous evil scary monstrous communists who are responsible for the immigration (because, according to this line of propaganda, the legendary mythical creatures of scary monster diabolical communists - who of course run the world and who are lurking everywhere, they might be hiding under your bed right now - spend their days scheming up plans on how to hurt hard working righteous americans, because everyone knows that this is what evil scary monster communists do, of course) and so, conservatives are told by the paid billionaire propagandists, you need to vote for this "righteous" right wing conservative billionaire that we have ready for you here, becasue he really really loves you and really cares about you and really wants to save you and your family from the diabolical plans of the evil scary monster big bad communists who are lurking everywhere and who hate you and wish to hurt you in any way they can, especially through "their" evil immigrants (never mind that mass immigration is overwhelmingly generated by the abuse, greed and global violence of the corporate-capitalist thieves. You're not supposed to be aware of this, my dear deceived conservative, you're supposed to direct your anger, rage & hate at the scapegoats we provide for you, and support the "righteous" and so-called "anti elite" billionaires we provide for you as your protectors...)

So NOT ONLY do the ruling class corporate-capitalists MASSIVELY profit financially from immigration twice (BOTH in the initial destabilization and destruction of the lower classes original communities, described in detail the links above, AS WELL AS once the displaced migrants arrive in the empire's home country, described above), but the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class ALSO get to score massive political wins through it, by cynically pretending to be the ones who will protect "the people" from those scary evil immigrants, the very immigrants that the Big Money corporate-capitalists themselves brought in and use as a weapon against the working class..

So immigration is truly the gift that keeps on giving for the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class - they get to BOTH massively profit financially off of it, AND they get to use it as a way to politically shift the population to the right and convince many well-intentioned but totally unaware and propagandized people to vote for their billionaire representative into power (who works tirelessly to enrich the ultra-rich, to further the narrow selfish interests of the billionaire ruling class, funnel society's wealth upwards to the ultra-wealthy and cement the hierarchical class nature of society, the control of the few ultra-rich over the many) becasue the billionaire's narrative managers successfully sold hyonotized conservatives the fairytale narrative that this ruling-class billionaire is on their side and came to "fight the elite" and protect them from the dire threat of the monster evil immigrants, the very immigrants that the corporate-capitalist billionaire predators themselves largely generated through their abuse, greed, global violence, and destruction of the poorest families & communities in the global south, described in the links above.. Do you see how this works?!

PS. Of course, the liberal half is manipulated by the corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class using other issues. I didn't go into that here.

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Weaponization of migration to steal elections and destroy nations


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England, what's left of it, appears willfully witless; "... a massive ramping up of progressive anti-racist and pro-immigration campaigns in the past decade, the UK appears to be more racist and anti-immigration than ever." I'm not certain, but I believe openly questioning the Officiall-Narrative-Of-The-Day may now be illegal in Britain.

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The racism question has been raised to a ridiculous level that no longer holds water.

And can no longer be addressed due to an army of people seeing the sky falling despite blue skies.

The climate hysteria is the same where the army refuses to address the glaring issue of the dependence on energy sources to run a society thus feeding the world. Wind farms and solar will keep people warm in winter.

The push is moronic, find the solution first.

Mass immigration has been forced on the west by a deal with the devil of globalist institutions. It is bankrupting the west because the deal also included the agreement that tax dollars must pay for it. Is this capitalism fault, that is the message. Again,like the ramp up of racism it is an easy propaganda talking point to incite the lazy masses. Capitalism is not what we have or have had for a hundred years. Hence the moniker progressive. Corruption of government alliance with corporations is the culprit. I would say it fascism is the issue, yes refurbished, yes it progressed into something almost undefined. But the marriage between corporate and government institutions after the banking crisis put the corruption into hyper drive. Is this due to corporate greed? I have my serious doubts. It seems to me it is create chaos like race wars, or the largest transfer of wealth from the working class to throw money into their new industries.

The mass immigration forced on the west has caused another reason for chaos. The clash of cultures, religious and political beliefs, even the treatment of women. And yes, the globalist must replace the western values peoples due to their pesky voting habits and property rights. Create chaos.

I have been libertarian thinking since the late 70’s. I have always questioned authority both right and left. I don’t have a history of loyalty to either party. That being said, the left have lost their bleeding heart minds.

I want to live in a sovereign country not beholden to some world order globalist in Europe or anywhere. The federal government is damaging enough to individual liberty.

Starmer coddling Islamists and attacking British citizens. And, trying to censor the world is the biggest and brightest red flag against a free world in living memory.

He is a traitor to British citizens and should be stood down immediately.

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Well said.. I concur!

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a clear take on the crisis in the UK. See her Substack.

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I’m not shocked at what’s happening in the Uk right now. It’s been building up to this for a while. The constant pressure & squeezing by the government and globalist on the British people.

Andrew, thank you for highlighting & sharing your thoughts on this.

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UK/EU Neo Fascist elites are destroying and exploiting homelands of many Arabic nations, as they did to many African nations, thus they create influx of many refugees. They deliberately ignore people's opinion and will. Everything is done in undemocratic forceful way. Large groups of people, culturally incompatible, are forced to interact with each other and by default that will create many issues that can be easily weaponised for the political agendas

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It’s just around the corner in America! Beware and vote wisely!

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For Starmer and his controllers, a great opportunity for more censorship and more limiting of our freedom. I'm not defending these idiots, but the elephant in the room, as in the States, is the collapse in state education and living standards since the 80s/90s and zero prospects for what used to known as the working classes, thanks to the neoliberalism embraced by both parties and their failure to compensate "natives" for the outsourcing of their work.

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V for vendetta is looking more like a documentary these days.

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If someone dies of a fentanyl overdose should those who say they were murdered then be arrested by this standard? If residential school graves are inaccurately described as “mass graves” would those be arrested? (Answer-no. Veracity is not the issue—only censorship of dissent.)

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Excellent piece

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Let's "Just Say No" to using the language of the fascistic haters of free speech. I shall not acquiesce ownership of language to them. They have renamed the word "lie" to "misinformation" in an attempt to make themselves less culpable when they call people liars. They changed "propaganda" into "disinformation" for the same reason, i.e., to make themselves appear as victims rather than the villians they are. The next time someone uses those words, I shall correct them, eg., you mean liar, say liar, or you mean propagandist, say propagandist. Once you refuse to play their game, their game ends.

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thank you for more deep thinking. Yes, they are using it as an excuse for a crackdown on social media "misinformation". They want to ram through their version of the ACMA censorship bill.

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