There it is again. The banality of evil.

Monsters viewing themselves as good little soldiers.

F#&&ing shitheads are everywhere.

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time for another Nuremberg trial for those that participated in this

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The DIRT is showing strongly now!!

Thanks for exposing this!

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This is very disturbing. I just have a hard time wrapping my brain around how any American, and highly-educated and intelligent ones at that, can actually think that this is a good idea.

The only thing more disturbing is the almost total lack of outrage coming from elected Democrats. It is hard to not come to the conclusion that this is apparently exactly what they want…

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Missing from the evil actors are the Mob of influence peddling attorneys and lawfirms selling services disguised as legal. Leading the pack Louie Freeh who among other things engineered the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor using Joe Biden’s influence after negotiating a contract with the head of Burisima in response to his email stating that he needed to buy the Biden influence. It’s all in the Marco Polo collection of Hunter Biden related emails. Freeh responds with a vaguely worded agreement and is asked to confirm that despite the wording it is to deliver the Biden influence. Shortly thereafter we see Joe , who can’t help himself, “spiking the ball in the endzone” as he brags that that HE got the prosecutor fired. Hunter becomes a Burisima Board member. The “Election Integrity Project” was tasked to prevent this story from gaining a foothold and to attack the truth

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Thank you for keeping us updated. This is evil. As Dr. Malone says, “truth is like a lion.......”

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You can shove your krispy cream up your fucking ass cause I ain't vaxing your bio-weapon. Pfizer genociding mother fucks. lol

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Have you read Stanford's Amicus Brief in rebuttal?

Twitter is a private entity. Stanford is a private entity. They are free to work together. Stanford may in fact contact the government if they want to - they are free to do so. The SIO is not a "front". It is what it is and it's working with the goverment. This is commonplace, especially for health initiatives.

Now, we may be alarmed that the government, a university, and a private tech company are aligned in promoting a narrative. But all it means is that the means the mainstream is mainstreaming.

People criticizing the mainstream don't have a right to access Twitter. THAT's the problem. We have a constitutional right to voice our disagreement, but we don't have a constitutional right to a specific platform that is owned by a private individual that can do as they like with that product, and conduct business with anyone they want or don't want.

I agree there's a big problem here - Big Tech has made it so the political views of Big Tech are the most amplified views which are actually not the views of the MAJORITY of the country's citizens - but it's not an unconstituational one.


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The temptation to win, profit, gain & enrich oneself, by ANY means, is a temptation for anyone, especially when you’re working in an environment where it has become the norm. This is one of the reasons corrupt people like to corrupt others. Implicate everyone, make them all guilty, so you don’t feel so bad about yourself.

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The Twitter Files "investigation" (now the X Files?) and this investigation found molehills, and let us know about them. That's good. But they claim those molehills are mountains. That's bad.

The government is budding in on content moderation by social media companies where it shouldn't, true. But the courts should let minor problems like this go. De minimis non curat judex.

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This is earthquake-level info. This is a smoking gun.

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I’m a student who has recently come back from a solo trip to front line Ukraine. I’ve just published a new piece on my experiences and thought readers here may appreciate it. Please do see what you think. https://irongoose.substack.com/

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Big pharma gets a cover-up for its human subjects experiment.

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In the Day tapes, the idea was that the takeover would be best accomplished by targeting port cities on the coast and working slowly to the interior.

San Francisco, Seattle and New York City selected here, like there wasn't anyone on the interior.

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Interesting, but not earthshaking. The government also has the right to participate in the marketplace of ideas. I think that was all they did here. All censoring was done by the social media companies, and they made the choice to censor.

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