Good luck with finding the right person for this very important job. I would just make a small comment to express my wish that your wonderful organization also paid attention and tackled the other major source of massive levels of censorship and destruction of free speech and liberty today and that is the empire's cynical and profoundly ridiculous "fighting antisemitism" industry (ironically mostly targeting leftist Jews and even holocaust survivors who have been speaking out in opposition of the empire) which is nothing but a thin veil for the global empire's fascist (zionist) billionaires to silence and crush dissent, including on issues that have nothing to do with judaism.

The "You're an antisemite" slogan seems to be the new "you're a far right extremist" slogan of the covid days. In other words, it seems to be the main bludgeon that the global corporate-capitalist empire uses against leftist dissidents today.

I could be wrong but it seems to me that the "fighting disinformation" industry is on the decline these days (after its peak during 2020-2022) and that the new rising star on the block these days is the "fighting antisemitism" industry, as the empire's favorite tool to silence and crush dissent.

I myself have experienced the shift in the tools that the corporate-capitalist empire uses to silence and destroy dissent, when until not long ago i was labelled a "far right extremist" by the corporate empire's representitives for speaking out against the covid coup, while now I am being branded "a far left antisemite extremist" by the corporate empire's representitives for speaking out against the anti-human and nazi-like nature of the empire's zionist outpost (I am jewish and son of holocaust survivors, by the way).

I really wish more attention was paid to this by those fighting for freedom and liberties, such as your wonderful and valuable organization.

Thank you for all you do

PS. As I mentioned, I myself am Jewish (son of holocaust survivors) and have been targeted by the corporate empire's "fighting antisemitism" industry, for speaking out on the extreme criminality and inhumanity and nazi-like dehumanizing ideology of zionism. Here's a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp speaking on the nazi-like dehumanizing nature of zionism and how its right-wing tribalist/sectarian ideology is the exact polar opposite of universalist/humanist leftist Jewish values https://x.com/DoubleDownNews/status/1751311095602598037?s=20

Zionist Nazi mass-murderers, child-abusers, rapists, torturers, land-thieves (and their global nazi network pushing for religious hatred and dehumanization of muslims) absolutely do NOT speak for Jews, and yet, these zionist deceivers are at the helm of the empire's "fighting antisemitism" industry, and numerous conservatives (who until not long ago pretended to care about freedom) actually cheer for the corporate empire's massive crackdown on leftist dissent. It would he funny if it weren't so tragic..

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I am grateful to hear there is a group like yours that is attempting to organize to counter the censorship we have seen from corporations and government. I will keep my eyes and ears open for someone who meets your criteria for this leadership or a supportive role. Thank you for your work in this critical area.

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