Great summary showing us how massive the Censorship Industrial Complex really is. I love your last sentence - they HAVE to censor because they know the information they are blocking is TRUE.

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Thanks for the repost!

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Great article - More people need to see this especially after that Supreme Court hearing, which struck many of us as very troubling.

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Thanks, please share as far and wide as you can. The repost certainly gave it a boost.

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Take a look at my stories on the strange white fibrous "clots" that embalmers and now one cath-lab whistleblower have confirmed are occurring routinely in live patients! That story also needs to go viral. Preventing these photos from "going viral" is why they needed that Virality Project in the first place.


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Thank you for reposting Bill, and thank you Andrew for writing this important article.

I pray that each and everyone that played this egregious game of roulette are revealed and dealt with according to the crime.

Yes, they are all criminals for censoring information. Period.

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Excellent! What an insidious web of propaganda filled with power hungry busybodies. They are a much worse virus than covid.

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How quickly censoring mis and disinformation has morphed into a bunch of lil fascists attempting to control speech for controls sake . Theres no redeeming value in what they have been doing almost from the beginning.

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It did not morph. It was always fascists trying to control speech in order to control thought in order to control everyone. There was never a period of good intentions and there never is.

Plus, there is no absolute truth known in any situation, let alone a novel one.

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The biggest question for me in all of this is just, "Why?" I still can't piece together the "why" behind such a massive, coordinated, secret effort to silence regular people online, especially people who were struggling with adverse drug reactions -- if you've never had an ADR, they're terrifying, no matter which drug caused it.

Your reporting on this also proves the "fact checkers" at these social media platforms aren't really checking facts -- otherwise they would have reviewed the medical records from the primary source, as you did. Fact-checking requires talking to primary sources, without exception.

It just keeps coming back to "why?" for me. Why would any organization or government go to such great lengths to do this, and at such a large scale too? It's just so bizarre to me, and so sad. Imagine knowing that a young person and their family went through that and still insisting on silencing them.

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The only why that needs to be answered at present is why have they not been stopped, arrested, punished in any way, yet?

Intentions will be easier to discover when the individuals involved start looking for plea deals.

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Many things for many people which come together as a group both randomly and nefariously ... paycheck, opportunity, votes, ideology, power, influence, hatred, dimwits, midwits ... and all divided by, "do these people know they are telling lies or firmly believe the lies they've been told."

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In my opinion, they "know" but choose to look away from the guilt which is attached. They lie and say they did not know, but is that really possible? At the onset of the campaign, it might be so, but once the collapse of every aspect of their "house" has fully been realized and the house no longer stands upright, the only thing that's left is for them to do is to shut their eyes, plug their ears, and continue blurting out the same old stupidity as previous. That background "noise" has a degree of comfort to their guilty souls.

But someday, every act and motive will be disclosed to them in advance of their final and eternal sentence by God which will culminate in their total elimination after the fires of the Most High God burn them up, turning them to ash and smoke. Never to again exist as a conscious entity. Gone for ever! Praise God!


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This "WHY" is the big, gray elephant in the room, in my opinion as well. I've come to grips with it however, and can find no other explanation as to the choreographic lock-stepping of all agencies and nations beside. Further, it would SORT of; at least have a fleeting chance of logical intentions by the controlling govts IF , IF the jabs turned out to be beneficial. That would vindicate "science," medicine, and the oversight of govts toward the security and health of the people thereof. But history shows that it failed as it breached the oversight laws too.

So, what is it that I have come to fully embrace about it all? It is this: That God's Word given us for our benefit toward faith and happiness, is mainly concerned with eternal interests, not temporal. That's Satan's gig. The devil is hell-bent on causing as much grief to the heavenly agencies and to God's "children" as possible, here on earth. He hates anything God loves. All of his creation is included here, but the pinnacle is mankind, "made in His own image."

With that as a backdrop, the current circumstances are not only logical, and understandable, but prophetically accurate and therefore dependable. God does not want for anyone to be blind-sided, and lose their salvation in the process. So He gives us "His Word." Beneficently, He beckons all to come to Him for forgiveness of sin, and for eternal life. That's HIS desire and continual quest.

Now back to the darkness and collaboration between worldly entities supporting the campaign of death through the public "health" agencies and their support cabal. These peoples' minds have been altered through differing degrees of possession (by devilish spirits, under Satan's direction.) I know this sounds all together too much like a children's horror tale, but this is real and can be substantiated through many different means and approaches.

The once GREAT nation (USA) has been infiltrated by those whose "god" is Satan. The God of heaven has been extricated from the country, and with him, His protective "Hand" which provides the nation with an impervious shield, exactly like the Hebrew nation when it was faithful to the King of Heaven, has been removing at pace as well.

With this bit of "picture-puzzle" assembled, you might well be encouraged to boldly investigate further, using right sources, not the propagandists in Satan's sandbox, but select those of the faithful church, which "keep the Commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus." I would recommend Walter J. Veith, Randy Skeete, Stephen Bohr, Doug Bachelor, and a few others who are bold and undeterred in giving God's last "WARNING" message to a sinful and dying world before His "Return" and all who are resistant to God's Truth, become ashes.

Sorry for the lengthy reply. It's not the easiest thing to do; to abbreviate 6 thousand years of history in just a page or two of verbiage. I hope this is understandable and forgiven.

Yours in the Battle for Souls,


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Please God, let me not hate the people who are committing democide.


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Thank YOU! As this is my quest as well. It is difficult, but there is an ironic twist to the picture!

Here, we have a full-blown campaign to eliminate for good, the excess CO2 pumps with legs. And why? To save "mother earth" is the narrative! How will that be accomplished? Using wickedly cruel (but "effective") means such as genetic manipulation of the health system that God had originally installed for man. That's numero uno. Further side-shows are well known; that being poisoning of everything else that God has provided for health and undermining the rest.

But the "twist" comes shortly thereafter, which gives LIFE eternal to certain faithful souls, and "effectively" REMOVES all the others from existence! And if that is not complete enough, the entire planet will eventually be "remade" and wherein it will resemble Eden throughout, once again with all the "rough edges" smoothed out, where only beauty and grandeur remain!

This will occur upon Christ's Second resurrection of the wicked dead at which time, it will become known to them what God has intended for both God's faithful, as well as the total removal and eternal elimination of the wicked. This is the reason for their "gnashing of their teeth."

How's that for some "Just Rewards," and a just twist of fate for the Satanists?


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Governments have no business giving health advice.

Universities neither.

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This is what happens when “big brother“ gets in charge of the media…

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What do these A..holes not understand about "FREE " speech?

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Even in 'normal' times, I've found that government employees can be some of the most incompetent, emotionally defective people that I encounter. No, not all of them, some of them. After all, in the real world, such people get nowhere, because they serve no useful purpose. They tend to gravitate to government, where there are almost not minimum performance standards.

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"They sought to hide it not because it might be false, but precisely because it might be true."

And what does that tell us, ladies and gentlemen?

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BREAKING: Supreme Court considers whether White House etc. censored social media - 3/18 (FULL AUDIO STREAM)..As, I have had 9 accounts on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Zoom,... removed or blocked, and including business accounts; for providing links to government websites, the FDA, WHO, etc. The policy being they can remove truthful information so as long as it doesn't contest the official narrative by the White House, Government, Pfizer... The point being, if your Facebook accounts haven't been deleted yet, then your posting nothing but mind controlled government approved propaganda. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/nuremberg-20-news-mar17-23-ft-doj-fraud-death-is-us-policy

March 19th 2024 Elon Musk Exposes The Government Censorship In New Interview (Attorney General Elon Musk Interview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMEorDMTofA

March 19th 2024 Elon Musk vs Don Lemon on Free Speech vs MSM & Government Censorship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rov9uviCE4

March 18th 2024 Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan Rips Ketanji Brown Jackson For Comments On Biden Admin Censorship Case https://dailycaller.com/2024/03/18/as-scary-as-it-gets-jim-jordan-rips-ketanji-brown-jackson-for-comments-on-biden-admin-censorship-case/

March 18th 2024 New York Times Is Pro Censorship Propaganda organ tries to paint Missouri v. Biden as a Trump operation https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/new-york-times-is-pro-censorship

March 18th 2024 Watch the live free speech broadcast starting Monday March 18 at 9am EST https://kirschsubstack.com/p/watch-the-live-free-speech-broadcast

March 18th 2024 The Virality Project’s Censorship Agenda. In November 2023 Alex Gutentag and I reported on the Virality Project’s internal content-flagging system, as released by the US House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Initiated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and led by the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the Virality Project sought to censor those who questioned government Covid-19 policies. The Virality Project primarily focused on so-called “anti-vaccine” “misinformation;” however, my Twitter Files investigations with Matt Taibbi revealed this included “true stories of vaccine side effects.” https://brownstone.org/articles/the-virality-projects-censorship-agenda/

March 18th 2024 The Supreme Court hints it may give away our free-speech rights in social-media-censorship case https://nypost.com/2024/03/18/opinion/the-supreme-court-hints-it-may-give-away-our-free-speech-rights-in-social-media-censorship-case/

March 18th 2024 Google Denies Election Interference After Report Cites Dozens Of Instances Helping Dems, Censoring Republicans https://www.zerohedge.com/political/google-denies-election-interference-after-report-cites-dozens-instances-helping-dems

March 17th 2024 Supreme Court to Hear Arguments in Biden Admin’s Censorship of Social Media Posts https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/supreme-court-to-hear-arguments-in-biden-admins-censorship-of-social-media-posts-5608595

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Disgusting but somehow unsurprising…. HOW OR CAN “trust in ‘medicine’ “EVER BE REVIVED

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Yeah. That's important in election year.

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I guess he’s perfect to give the speech… cause he’s one of the biggest pushers of misinformation. An expert on it actually

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I'm not from the US and knew some of this story, but not the whole sordid thing you've clearly highlighted here. So, thank you. It seems the US government wants to become like that of its adversaries. Why then spend so much $ and lives (in the past) on foreign theatres of war such as Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Ukraine, Middle East? If the government wins this case, can your country come back from that, I wonder?

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